The Current Economic Impact Of Black Markets

12/23/20232 min read

The Black Market or as it's been historically referred to as the 'bootleg industry' has long been the secret economy or actual financial infrastructure controlling movements, states and nations for as long as we can remember. The black market is the industry of underground commerce or selling of services unlicensed and untaxed. Some would even argue that what we consider to be the actual economy is merely a legal fiction or 'straw man' argument when you compare the political impact and ramifications of both. These unregistered shadow industries always produce more than their mainstream counterparts. For instance there's an incredibly high demand in melanated organs and body parts primarily from American Africans of our diaspora. Kidneys, livers, stem cells and melanin itself sell for thousands even millions in some cases. Hospitals have even made legal provisions enabling the harvesting of our organs in most cases without our knowing or permission. Human trafficking rings kidnap and sell people for organ traffickers, the sex industry and unqualified parties seeking illegal adoption of a specific kind of child. Online internet marketing companies sell our information third party to the other businesses. This information many times winds up on what's being called the 'dark web' or the underground cyber world of illicit activity. Debts are often sold to fraudulent or legally crafty collection companies who prey on public ignorance. Clothing and accessories are historically very profitable in these markets. It's now standard to find the 'knockoff' versions of more expensive especially designer products on the market. A pair of $500 designer shoes or a $1500 designer purse could go for as little as $65 and $230 easily. Probably arguably the biggest sub industry or one thereof in this black market fiasco is the manufacturing and or distribution of non-prescribed medications. Xanax, Percocets and the like are big commodity and high demand especially by those seeking to acquire them 'under the table' or without legal consent. This politically hidden underground industry actually plays out secretly as the life blood our so-called organized economy with it's many questionable nuances and practices. Either way probably the most misunderstood aspect of all of this is that the black market is the unspoken proverbial thread that relatively entangles commerce as we know it. The cooperative bootlegging of our existence is the world's biggest commerce hustle. But that's another story.